Category Archives: workshop

Sound objects workshop

Sound objects workshop @ Viriato Theatre, Viseu (PT)
A clip from the sound objects workshop directed at the Viriato Theatre (Viseu, PT) by the Italian multi-instrumentist and Binaural member Antonio Mainenti

and mp3: sound object workshop

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Sound Objects workshop Viseu, PT


A sound objects workshop directed by Antonio Mainenti was held at  Viriato Theatre (Viseu, PT) between January 15th and 17th, 2009. During 18 hours, was presented an historical overview of sound objects, were explored the acoustical aspects of several materials (either natural or human-made), were built 10 instruments / sound objects, and was rehearsed and presented a final collective composition.

Decorreu entre 15 e 17 de Janeiro 2009 no Teatro Viriato (Viseu, PT) um workshop de objectos sonoros dirigido por Antonio Mainenti. Em cerca de 18 horas, contextualizou-se historicamente o tema dos objectos sonoros, foram exploradas as sonoridades de materiais diversos (naturais e de construção humana), foram construídos 10 instrumentos / objectos sonoros e foi ensaiada e apresentada ao público uma “composição” colectiva.

fotos do workshop e o registo áudio da composição final

some photos from the workshop along with an audio file from the final composition

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Filed under Binaural, English, feed aggregator, Portugues, workshop